Insurance Services
We have conducted surveillance on individuals that have claimed
injury through work related or motor vehicle accident, to either
substantiate their claim, or provide the requisite evidence to the
client to initiate the proper course of action.
Enquiries on a company's or individual's financial positions are
paramount in settling a loss claim. On the other hand, an entity may
owe a substantial sum to another party and we are requested to
locate that entity's assets.
Lien Searches – Canada-wide with an average turn around time of
one hour:
Motor Vehicle -
a search by VIN will reveal if a lien is recorded on the
Company -
searches reveal if a company has outstanding liens.
Individual - a
search on an individual may reveal if outstanding liens exist.
Motor Vehicle
VIN History: a
printed history of a motor vehicle's previous owners.
RIN History:
printed history of a registrant's past vehicles.
Drivers License
Abstract - a detailed description of a driver's history.
Third Party
Plate - the registered owner of a suspect vehicle.
Third Party
Insurance - the registered insurer of a suspect vehicle.
Statement of
Our Investigators conduct searches of the records held by the respective Courts on a national level
to determine if any litigation has been initiated
naming your Insured as a Plaintiff or Defendant. |